there is something to be said about the need to create.
i had never really considered it until it was brought to my attention that i should take a class
for a creative outlet.
at that time, i was {unhappily} working in a position that i had been doing for five years...
it drained the life out of me with monotonous work, no creativity whatsoever...
just lots of counting money and dealing with lots of nonsense...
not fun...i was not happy but the weirdest part was i didn't even know it.
i was drained and had no idea why.
i thank that person for pointing that out to me.
i consider myself a creative person and like to make things and work on projects.
i consider experimenting in the kitchen a creative outlet as well.
i never had considered photography as a creative outlet until
hubby bought me a fancy shmancy dslr camera.
{gotta love the hubby}
i decided to take classes because i was afraid of my new camera
and i didn't want to take it out of the box.
i had no clue how to use it and was intimidated by it.
i never realized i would like photography this much.
i start to get antsy now if i don't use my camera after a couple of days.
i take way more pictures that often do not get published on this blog.
so now when i feel ansty, i know what i have to do,
like many of you, i have pinned lots of great projects onto my boards of things i'd like to make
the problem is when? have i actually made anything from my boards?
i am making a decision to create something..
to work on my projects and not neglect that part of me...
i get so much joy out of it, it feeds my soul.
i need to create more often.
so that is it. i am resolving to be more creative... to not wait until the conditions are perfect
until i have all the time in the world or my dishes and laundry are done.
that hasn't been working out for me.
i need to c.r.e.a.t.e on a regular basis.
so here are a few projects on my pinterest board that are waiting for me...
i love this pillow in burlap.
i want to create a gallery wall in my hallway
or this to paint, isn't it cute?
time to get started.
all images via
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