Friday, February 10, 2012

blog feature friday

i came across this blog from another blog's blog list

in a day when it may no longer be hip to be married
when many people are down on marriage and being married
when some do not even know what being married to someone really is
 i found this blog to be refreshing.

i am an advocate for marriage.
marriage is not easy...people don't just get lucky!
you really have to work at having a good marriage.
i by no means, am an expert at marriage.
i don't have it all right but i do love my husband with all my heart.
i know that he is the man God picked for me.

i believe in the sanctity of marriage.
it is the solid foundation for building a family.
it truly breaks my heart when people that i know and love end up in divorce.

divorce hurts families, especially familes with children.
being a teacher, i have seen first hand the devastation that divorce causes.
unfortunately, children usually are the casualties of divorce.

today she is featuring these sexy love tips
to spice up your love life :)

tip# 1 really spoke to me.

click on the link and check it out.
you can print these out from the site to use for v-day :)
i hope you enjoy it.

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